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Management team

Paul Chen


  • Bachelor of International Trade, Soochow University
  • General Manager, Associate Manager of Business Department, LCY TECHNOLOGY CORP.
  • Business Planning Office Manager, Lee Chang Young Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
  • Export Business Department Manager, LCY

Justin Liu

Chief Executive Officer

  • Master of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
  • Assistant Vice President of Business Department, LCY TECHNOLOGY CORP.
  • Director of the General Manager Office, LCY TECHNOLOGY CORP.
  • Senior Manager of the Intellectual Property and Information Research Office, LCY CHEMICAL CORP.
  • Manager of the Project Management Office of the R&D Department, LCY CHEMICAL CORP.
  • Director of Planning Department, Taihong Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Business Manager, Taiwan Evonik
  • Business Specialist, Taiwan DuPont
  • Technical Engineer, Formosa Plastics Synthetic Rubber 

Stanley Kung

Treasurer and Head of Corporate Governance

  • Bachelor of Mathematics, University of Waterloo
  • Director of Strategic Planning, LCY CHEMICAL CORP.
  • Financial Manager and Credit Analysis Supervisor, Taiwan Dow Chemical Co., Ltd.

Chelsea Lin

Chief Auditor

  • Bachelor of Accounting, Chinese Culture University
  • Head of Audit Dept., LCY TECHNOLOGY CORP.
  • Auditor of Audit Dept., LCY TECHNOLOGY CORP.
  • Supervisor,KPMG

Phoebe Lee

Head of Accounting

  • Bachelor of Accountancy, Shiji University
  • Director of Accounting Section. LCY TECHNOLOGY CORP.

SY Huang

Plant Manager of Copper Foil Plant

  • Bachelor of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Tamkang University
  • Deputy Plant Manager, LCY TECHNOLOGY CORP.
  • Production director, LCY TECHNOLOGY CORP.
  • Quality Assurance Manager, LCY TECHNOLOGY CORP.
  • Quality Assurance Engineer, Chin Poon Industrial Co., Ltd.
  • Deputy head, Accuro Lab co., LTD

Yenhao Chen

Chief Technology Officer

  • Ph.D., Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Engineering, National Central University
  • Director of the Technology Department, , LCY TECHNOLOGY CORP.
  • RAISE planner of the Ministry of Science and Technology

Alice Kuo

Head of Business

  • International Trade Department of Fuxing Industrial and Commercial College
  • Business Manager, LCY TECHNOLOGY CORP.
  • Business Supervisor, LCY TECHNOLOGY CORP.
  • Business Specialist, Qingguang Chemical Co., Ltd.