Announcement of Chairman Appointment on behalf of the parent company, LCY Chemical Corp.
Subject: Announcement of Chairman Appointment on behalf of the parent company, LCY Chemical Corp.
Date of events: 2024/11/15
To which item it meets: paragraph 6
1.Date of the board of directors resolution or date of occurrence of the change:2024/11/15
2.Position (Please enter chairperson or president/general manager): Chairman of the Board
3.Name of the previous position holder:Tsai-Hsin Hung
4.Resume of the previous position holder:Chairman of the Board
5.Name of the new position holder:Tsai-Hsin Hung
6.Resume of the new position holder:LCY Chemical corp. Chairman of the Board
7.Circumstances of change (Please enter ”resignation”, ”dismissal”, ”term expired” , ”job relocation”, ”severance”, ”retirement”, ”death” or ”new appointment”):term expired
8.Reason for the change:The parent company, LCY Chemical Corp., held a board re-election on November 15, 2024, for the 24th Board of Directors and re-elected the Chairman of the Board.
9.Effective date of the new appointment:2025/01/26
10.Any other matters that need to be specified (the information disclosure also meets the requirements of Article 7, subparagraph 6 of the Securities and Exchange Act Enforcement Rules, which brings forth a significant impact on shareholders rights or the price of the securities on public companies.): No
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