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Comprehensive Care of Life

One-on-one mentorship program

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We value the work-life balance of our employees and regard them as a family-like partnership. There is no prohibition but no employee actively requests the establishment of a trade union. In addition, all employees have signed labor contracts and hold labor-management meetings every quarter to collect employee opinions and evaluate and improve suggested matters.

The company creates a safe and healthy working environment for employees and provides an excellent salary and welfare system. In order to develop all-round talents of the organization, in addition to setting up employee welfare committees and labor-management meetings, it also provides complete training and education courses to achieve the long-term goal of the company. Goal of continuing operations.

One-on-one mentorship program

Through one-on-one guidance, we provide positive influence to employees and promote personal learning and development. We also conduct mentorship workshops starting with new colleagues in the company to help colleagues establish their own guidance and support network, and help them in their career and career development. Keep moving forward and growing on the road of life.

Build a workplace culture of trust and respect

In order to promote the establishment of team consensus and then shape the corporate culture and atmosphere of trust and respect, LCYtech conducts "Trust and Respect" workshop training. In the course, students learn practical methods to treat organizational members. In addition to promoting the establishment of team consensus, it also provides a common language and tacit understanding in cooperation and communication, effectively improving team effectiveness.

Create an environment where employees’ voices are heard

In order to smooth the communication channels between labor and management and listen to the voices of employees, we continue to create smooth employee communication channels to establish a closely connected communication network for all employees, and regularly review the implementation and improvement of various policies on employee health risks, talent cultivation and multiculturalism. measures, and also through quarterly labor-management meetings to understand employee needs and improve human resources-related measures.

Gender equality and a safe and secure working environment

The company attaches great importance to gender equality and respects human rights in the workplace, implements workplace diversity, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, class, language, religion, political affiliation, place of birth, gender, sexual orientation, age, marriage, physical or mental disability, blood type, etc., and Forced labor, child labor, human trafficking and other human rights violations are prohibited.

Sound salary and benefits

LCYtech regards "talent" and "safety" as the key to sustainable growth and operation, and aims to provide every outstanding employee with a complete and good salary system and welfare measures. It is willing to share operating results with employees and hopes to provide incentives through The performance-based compensation system enables talents from all parties to give full play to their strengths and create a happy and friendly workplace.

  1. Deeply market-competitive salary We regularly review employee salaries and market competitiveness every year, and by participating in salary market surveys of global and local peers, we understand the dynamics of different regions and benchmark companies, as well as legal standards and price indexes, and make real-time adjustments to various The salary policy of the operating base maintains salary levels that are highly competitive externally.
  2. Diversified Reward Planning and Promotion Channels In addition to quarterly and year-end bonuses, we have established diversified reward plans based on various projects and needs to instantly reward and recognize employees' efforts and performance, while also strengthening safety, integrity, innovation, and teamwork. and the core value of responsible leadership, and regularly convene personnel review meetings to assist in planning and formulating employee career development and goals based on multiple aspects such as responsibilities, abilities, and seniority.
  3. Employee Welfare Committee and Diversity Activities and Subsidies In order to implement the concept of caring for employees, the Welfare Committee gives holiday bonuses during important festivals (Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Labor Day), and gives birthday gifts to colleagues on their birthdays. Travel and other subsidies, as well as various community activities and welfare measures.
  4. Flexible working hours and a leave system that is better than the law. We actively implement and protect employees' vacation rights, pay more attention to employees' physical and mental rest, provide paid leave that is better than the labor standard law, including maternity leave, sick leave, surgery and hospitalization leave, and implement the policy for non-factory colleagues. Flexible working hours are provided to help colleagues avoid traffic jams during peak hours and reduce psychological stress and accidents.
  5. Incentive measures to improve commuting safety. Employees in the factory are provided with free transportation to the MRT during commuting. The company also subsidizes the cost of employees taking public transportation (buses, trains, MRT). This is mainly to maintain the traffic safety of employees and reduce costs. Riding a motorcycle reduces the risk of accidents and at the same time reduces carbon emissions and is environmentally friendly.
  6. Daily milk supply In order to improve the health protection of colleagues, on-site workers are provided with a bottle of fresh milk to drink every day to reduce exposure to heavy metal toxic substances.

Diversified recruitment and training

  1. In addition to cultivating internal talents within the group, we also go deep into campuses and actively cooperate with colleges and universities to inspire, encourage and cultivate new talents through intern programs and industry high-level talent training RAISE programs. Generational talent.
  2. Industry-university cooperation not only recruits talents on campus, LCYtech also actively participates in applied research in academia, and leverages the R&D energy of colleges and universities and academic research institutions to cultivate R&D potential talents and enhance product added value and management.
  3. Recommendation Bonus Measures We encourage colleagues to recommend outstanding talents for employment in order to improve the quality and efficiency of talent recruitment and accelerate the matching of talents needed by the company. After the talent recruitment team receives the recommendation materials, a referral bonus of NT$5,000 will be issued to the employee in the month following the formal recruitment. Recommender.
  4. Improve talent cultivation and development. The company has established a complete education and training structure based on the functional system, planning appropriate newcomer training, professional training, management training at all levels, environmental safety-related training and corporate philosophy courses, through physical or e-learning. In this way, we provide all-round training for colleagues, arrange job rotations in line with their career planning, encourage employees to learn in various ways or self-improvement, strive to improve the overall quality of employees, and improve talent cultivation and development.