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Each colleague has a unique major. We have developed a training-related system to help colleagues learn the work step by step when they first join the company through functional training, internal and external courses, or project implementation. Required professional knowledge and skills; we also train employees in accordance with regulations to obtain various professional certificates required to perform business to complete the professional capabilities of our colleagues.

In addition to supporting our colleagues in their professional advancement, we also provide secondary expertise and various training required for self-development, or subsidies for language and personal development to encourage our colleagues' self-improvement and continuous development.

We also work with our colleagues to plan their career blueprint, allowing them to build on their professionalism and various expertise, and then provide development suggestions based on their ambitions and performance, and provide opportunities for promotion or rotation, so as to cultivate colleagues into all-round elite talents, and Together the company continues to grow and develop.

Various training practices and results

Various training practices and results

Professional on-the-job training

  • Make use of professional learning within the company and external training provided by external organizations to increase your professional expertise through different learning methods such as learning, further training, and increasing communication opportunities with peers.
  • Carry out rotation between positions to enhance the professional functions of employees in different areas and increase the breadth and depth of employees' expertise.

Management ability training

  • Plan for progressive and continuous development of supervisory functions with the aim of building a high-quality management team.
  • Courses are divided into different stages according to the trainees to cultivate all-round management capabilities.
  • Establish a common management language to improve organizational management performance.

New staff training

  • Through common training arranged by the human resources department, new employees can understand the entire organizational culture and system, strengthen new employees' identification and centripetal force with the company, understand the functions of each unit in a short period of time, and accelerate their integration into the company environment.
  • Through relevant training arranged by department heads, new employees can have a clear understanding of the working environment and work content, and complete the professional knowledge and skills required for their work.

Mandatory environmental safety training

  • The company attaches great importance to environmental safety and health training. The Risk Management Department plans appropriate safety awareness/environmental protection/sanitation/firefighting/emergency response... courses to build a sound environmental safety and health system.
  • In accordance with laws and regulations and operational needs, participate in various statutory license training courses to ensure the safety of production and various operations.