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Work with LCYtech

Join the legend Become the next legend

Empowering you based on your talents will help you move forward where your heart desires.

Multi-professional training courses

  • Provide all-round training courses on professional skills, management, environmental safety, etc.
  • Dispatch and train employees to obtain professional licenses required for business
  • Provide further education subsidies required for second expertise and self-development

Sustainable and perfect career blueprint planning

  • Design career blueprint workshop to provide development suggestions based on colleagues’ ambitions and interests
  • There is a succession plan and we value every employee’s upward development opportunities.
  • Provide cross-business and cross-border rotation opportunities

Organizational culture of equality and inclusion

  • Actively implement equal maternity leave and paternity leave between men and women
  • We are considerate of the physical and mental recuperation of female colleagues after childbirth or miscarriage and provide paid maternity leave that is superior to the Labor Standards Act.
  • The proportion of female supervisors is higher than that of peers
  • Each office has a dedicated lactation room
  • During the epidemic, if colleagues need to take care of children under 12 years old
  • Apply for normal work from home or half-pay anti-epidemic care leave

Humanized salary, benefits and security

  • Vacation options and clear reward system that are better than regulations
  • Provide multiple group insurance benefits and expand care for spouses and children of colleagues
  • One-to-one psychological counseling service
  • In order to take care of the post-retirement life of colleagues, a Fuchu trust system was established to help employees save

Recruit professional talent through a variety of channels & create a career platform for passion, creativity, collaboration, and endless opportunities.

LCY prioritizes the professional development and well-being of its employees. We offer professional training to maximize your potential to achieve your goals.

Our goal is to offer a secure work environment, competitive pay, comprehensive benefits, and a healthy work-life balance.