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Announcement of the Board of Directors' ratification of the amendments to the 2024 Employee Stock Options Plan


Date of announcement:2025/01/14

Subject:Announcement of the Board of Directors' ratification of the amendments to the 2024 Employee Stock Options Plan

Date of events:2025/01/14 To which item it meets paragraph 11


1.Date of occurrence of the event:2025/01/14

2.Date of the original announcement and reporting:2024/11/07

3.Summary of the content originally announced and reported:Announcement that the company’s board of directors has resolved to issue the first employee stock option plan

4.Reason for change and its main content:

In response to the requirements of the competent authority, the 2024 Employee Stock Options Plan has been amended.

The provisions before and after the amendments are as follows: After amendment.

II.Issuance Period

The Options may be issued in one or more batches based on actual needs within two years after the date of receiving the effective registration notice from the competent authority, the specific issuance date shall

be determined by the Chairman.

III.Eligibility Criteria and Conditions

(I)Employees of the Company and companies under the Company's control domestically or internationally or the affiliates (the so-called ” companies under control or affiliates” are those meeting the definition provided in the letter from the Financial Supervisory Commission Jin-Guan-Zheng-Fa-Zi No. 1070121068 dated December 27, 2018). The qualification date for Options shall be determined by the Chairman.

(II)The actual employees eligible for Options and the number of Options they may receive shall be determined based on distribution criteria considering factors such as seniority, job level, performance

evaluations, overall contributions, and special achievements.

These criteria shall serve as the basis for review by the Remuneration

Committee, Audit Committee, and Board of Directors when determining the distribution. After approval by the Chairman and registration, if the optionees include employees who are managerial officers of the Company or concurrently serve as directors of the Company, the distribution shall first be approved by the Remuneration Committee of the Company before being submitted to the Company's Board of Directors for approval.

If the optionees do not include employees who are managerial officers of the Company or concurrently serve as directors of the Company, the distribution shall first be approved by the Audit Committee of

the Company before being submitted to the Company's Board of Directors for approval.

(III)The Company issues employee stock options under Article 56-1, paragraph 1, the cumulative number of shares subscribed by a single optionee of Options, in combination with the cumulative number of new restricted employee shares obtained by the single optionee, may not exceed 0.3 percent of the Company’s total issued shares. And the above in combination with the cumulative number of shares subscribed by the single optionee of Options issued by the Company under Article 56, paragraph 1, may not exceed 1 percent of the Company’s total issued shares. However, with special approval from the central competent

authority of the relevant industry, the total number of Options and new restricted employee shares obtained by a single employee may be exempted from the above-mentioned restriction.

IV.Total Issuance

The total issuance amounts to 450,000 units, with each unit of stock option granting the right to subscribe to one share of common stock.

The total future issuance of new common shares required due to the exercise of Options shall be set at 450,000 shares.

VII.Adjustment of Subscription Price:

(II)After the issuance of these stock option certificates, if a reduction in capital not due to the cancellation of treasury stock results in a decrease in common shares, the grant price shall be adjusted on the base date for capital reduction according to the following formula (rounded to the nearest NTD dime). If the reduction in common shares is due to a change in the par value of the stock, the adjustment shall be made on the new share issuance date.

For Loss Compensation through Capital Reduction:

Adjusted grant Price = Previous grant Price X (Total Issued Shares Before Reduction / Total Issued Shares After Reduction)

For Cash Reduction:

Adjusted grant Price = (Previous grant Price X (1-Ratio of Cash Refund per Share to Closing Price on Last Trading Day Before Issuance of New Shares)) x (Total Issued Common Shares Before Reduction / Total Issued Common Shares After Reduction)

When changing par value:

Adjusted grant Price = Previous grant Price X (Common Shares Issued Before Change / Common Shares Issued After Change XI.Other Important Matters

(III)These regulations shall be approved by more than half of all members of the Audit Committee before being submitted to the Board of Directors, with two-thirds of the board present and a majority approval of attending directors. The regulations become effective upon submission and approval by the competent authority. Amendments made prior to issuance follow the same procedure. During the review process, if modifications are requested by the competent authority, the Chairman is authorized to amend these regulations, subject to later ratification by the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors.

Before amendment.

II.Issuance Period

The Options may be issued in batches within two years after the date of receiving the effective registration notice from the competent authority, the specific issuance date shall be determined by the Chairman.


Full-time employees of the Company who are employed and to be granted the Options. If the employees who hold the positions as managerial officers of the Company or directors of the Company, the distribution shall first be approved by the Remuneration Committee of the Company before being submitted to the Company's Board of Directors for approval.

The number of shares that a single optionee may be granted to in each fiscal year shall not exceed 1% of the total number of issued shares as of the end of the year.

IV.Total Issuance

The total issuance under these regulations amounts to 450,000 shares, with the total future issuance of new common shares requi red due to the exercise of Options set at 450,000 shares.

VII.Adjustment of Subscription Price:

(II)After the issuance of these stock option certificates, if a reduction in capital not due to the cancellation of treasury stock results in a decrease in common shares, the grant price shall be adjusted on the base date for capital reduction according to the following formula (rounded to the nearest NTD dime). If the reduction in common shares is due to a change in the par value of the stock, the adjustment shall be made on the new share issuance date.

For Loss Compensation through Capital Reduction:

Adjusted grant Price = Previous grant Price X (Total Issued Shares Before Reduction / Total Issued Shares After Reduction)

For Cash Reduction:

Adjusted grant Price = (Previous grant Price-Cash Refund per Share) X (Total Issued Shares Before Reduction / Total Issued Shares After Reduction)

When changing par value:

Adjusted grant Price = Previous grant Price X (Common Shares Issued Before Change / Common Shares Issued After Change) XI.Other Important Matters

(III)These regulations shall be approved by more than half of all members of the Audit Committee before being submitted to the Board of Directors, with two-thirds of the board present and a majority approval of attending directors. The regulations become effective upon submission and approval by the competent authority.

Amendments follow the same procedure. During the review process, if modifications are requested by the competent authority, the Chairman is authorized to amend these regulations, subject to later ratification by the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors.

5.Impact on the Company's finance and business after the change:None

6.Any other matters that need to be specified:None