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Announcement of Change in Representative of the Company’s Corporate Director


Date of announcement:2025/02/03

Subject:Announcement of Change in Representative of the Company’s Corporate Director

Date of events:2025/02/03 To which item it meets paragraph 6


1.Date of occurrence of the change:2025/02/03

2.Name of legal person:LEE CHANG YUNG COMPANY, LTD.

3.Name of the previous position holder:N/A

4.Resume of the previous position holder:N/A

5.Name of the new position holder:LI,CHI-CHIH

6.Resume of the new position holder:Chief Operating Officer of LCY Chemical Corp.

7.Reason for the change:Change of corporate director’s representative

8.Original term (from __________ to __________):from 2023/06/28 to 2026/06/27

9.Effective date of the new appointment:2025/02/03

10.Any other matters that need to be specified:None